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Office of Sustainability
University of Mississippi

Sign the Pledge

Students, faculty, and staff are signing a pledge to support Campus Sustainability programs and to try to make changes to daily habits to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Join fellow community members in pledging support.

Click here to sign the Pledge.

I pledge to become an integral participant in the Campus Sustainability Program at Ole Miss.

I will consider the environmental, social and economic impact of my daily decisions and make every effort to reduce my ecological footprint.

I will re-examine my actions and make an effort to form new habits:

    * to minimize waste- in the products I buy; the energy, electricity and water I use; and the items I discard
    * to walk, ride a bike, take the bus and carpool as often as I can
    * to encourage my friends, my classmates, my family and all others to do the same.

I pledge my commitment to this effort.